Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Why nothing good happens to me? I've already worked my butt off!

"He has a rich dad!", "He is the boss’s friend," " He is just lucky," " He has a degree from Harvard!" What's working for him doesn't mean will work for me too!" It must involve some dirty tricks in order to achieve that!" Well, he earns more than me but so what? Money couldn't buy happiness!" Well, so the reason that you stay in the nasty job when your boss looked like a monkey when he scold you is because that got you interested?

I believe you heard this from somebody when they saw or heard someone achieve something huge. Perhaps you are one of those somebody!

There will always be people jealously judging greatness of someone else. It is so easy to work by using just the mouth compared with putting the time, effort and persistently build your path bit by bit. How I wish money could just fall from the sky when I complain about how unfair is this world to me.

You might respond that you too, are working very hard toward something, but nothing good seems to happen to you. You stay in the office while everyone left, work your butt off but you just don't understand why you are not the one that got promoted. You wrote a very meaningful article and started to blog yet nobody seems like enjoying the content or leave a comment or two.

When it comes to this point, the most-comfortable choice is to give up and rationalize that this is just not for you. So whenever you come across someone that performs well on that, you can't help but blame on everything else but yourself.

Who am I to tell you all this? I am just an ordinary person that you might have seen in Starbucks who has experience greatness by learn to train my mind. As per what I've just said, I was that somebody that blame on circumstance, parents, the world, the grass, the flowers, the dogs, the office, the boss, whatever it could be but myself.  It became my worst habit and formed my mindset into victim mode.
Years later, I found myself achieve nothing, being totally clueless about life as if a ship without knowing the direction. I just smile and give an official answer when somebody ask me that what does success looks like to me. It's crippling to think that deep question and hey, I was trying to figure out why a big chunk of my salary has gone.

Little did I know that I’m the one that allowing this to happen. Even if I know, my ego will scream out loud that this is not true. It takes me years to understand that our mind need to be trained and it takes time and effort which most likely goes against what we pursue, the shortest cut to succeed.

You might think that I'm going to share with you some secret weapon to success, or some dirty tricks to make the path way easier. Well, you will be drown in disappointment if this is the case.

Everything starts with being responsible in life. You might get furious as you don't need someone to tell you something that your parents told you when you were three. But hey, how many of us has actually practice that.

If you are responsible, why aren't you leave the job that you hate? You are in charge of being happy in every single day. If you are responsible, why aren't you put a full stop to an unloving relationship? You are in charge to find the one that suitable. If you are responsible, why leaving your dream unchased? Your life is melting and you are in charge to optimize every single day to its fullest.

When you learn to be responsible, you are as well learning to be a leader in life. Other than being responsible in taking action, it is even important to be emotionally responsible. There are certainly circumstances that give you many reasons to feel a certain way, but at the end of the day you are powerful unless you surrender that power to another person or circumstance.

You choose how you act. You might be in a frustrated circumstance but you can choose to be angry or strongly believe in yourself that you have the ability to get this done. You are not a feeling, you can choose how you feel; you are not a product or victim of the circumstance, you’re 100% in charge of how you respond to it.

There's a lot of people telling you what you should do. However, the fundamentals, in any given career, there are basic level of things and then there's the advanced stuff. We get so distracted by the advanced tips. The big leap come as a result of simply focusing on the basics. When you really start to focus on that and be good at it, should be great at it, the other stuff starts to happen.

Any rule that someone tells you, there is someone successful who is doing that. You have to give yourself an honest self-assessment about what you want to do and what you can do. Then, find out the bottom line of your company if you're an employee (for most company, it is where the money is made), while for entrepreneur, find out how can you help other people for their life to be better. Then optimize your strength, focus on just the fundamental and do it really great. And here comes the powerful question that you should have it bear in mind. How can I add value to make things better? How can I help? Through this process, those other results will start to appear.


  1. Hi, I'd like to enquire something at a post that u may have taken down. Can u email to ollengkleb-dotgeek@yahoo.com.sg
